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2 Nov 2012

Monthly Spending and Budget Report-October 2012

To those new in this blog, I track my spending every month. My goal is to spend 50% of my income in order (for me and hubby) to retire comfortably in our early 40s. October 2012 monthly spending and budget report in one sentence... "Ridiculously high spending month". Last month was as bad with me going through 80% of my income for the month.

October was another travel month for my family. Add my breaking geyser (water heater) in the mix, plus a lost online income cheque in the post. See my spending report below .

My October 2012 monthly spending and budget report:

Real Estate 45%

One unit had geyser repairs.
Hubby Allowance 52% 49% Another bail out month for me.
Once Off 0% 1%
Online Income 0% 0% I will get two months worth this month. I didn't. My money is somewhere in space.
Extra 4% 4% Interest on my Emergency Fund. Dividends were ZERO again.Plus dividends, AGAIN.
One thing that makes me unhappy is that the interest on my Emergency Fund is 4.65%, which is below the inflation rate. I will be reducing that money this month, for better financial gain.

Real Estate 24% 13.6% 3 months worth of home owners association fees and taxes/rates.
RA & Unit Trusts 6% 8% Fixed for my life insurance and the rest of small investments.
Online 7% 9%
Internet/ Phones 2% 2%
Consumer 16% 19% High due to travel.
Withdrawals&Fees 4% 1% Also due to the trip.
Giving 16% 21% I also paid the last installment of the scholarship for my learner.
To Invest 26% 20% 26% is not bad. I paid nothing to  my homeloan, but the Mr did. Like every month I topped up my Just Invest (Nedbank) interest. Whatever interest I get, I top up to make it a round R5000 figure. 
I lived on 74% of my income in October (comparing to 80% in September). Our Net Worth grew by R126K in September (part of it was bits and pieces of forgotten investments.) This is the growth in various investment vehicles and home equity. Keeping track of every cent is quite a lot.

I haven't heard anything from the agent nor from the lawyers regarding the rental property I am buying in a small SA town. It doesn't bother me at all.


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