Thanks for dropping by Safe Investing South Africa. I am on a journey to build wealth my way. For any questions or comments, feel free to contact me.

10 Nov 2014


I cannot be the only one who stalks amazing people I find in random places and online. I manage to get the most intimate of details from people about how they make their money. I think its mostly because I am an inquisitive soul. I ask a lot of questions that even my doctors allocate more time to me than to an average patient. Its like an illness but I love me. A lot of people tell me stuff without planning to. I remember a girl in one work meeting saying "I don't know why I'm telling you all this". I just smiled trying hard not to interrupt.

only yesterday, Anonymous left a comment on the post "STICK WITH THE WINNERS", which was essentially about friends of mine who are making their money work for them. I have a long list of such friends. Hubby thinks I should start having a channel with video interviews. People around me are just too brilliant and awesome. I am considering having written interviews of ordinary people here. Back to the question asked by Anonymous:  
"Being in the midst of winners is one thing however, getting there from the periphery of obscurity is a whole new ball game.
How did you find friends like the ones you have mentioned?"
Without thinking this through, I responded:
"I never even thought of where I got these friends until now Anonymous. My debt free house builder friend was with me at work. We clicked immediately.

The one who rents her home had her son as my son's best friend. We met at school events and then birthday parties. I chat to a lot of people. It helps.

The property developer claims to have been inspired by me and this blog. We met via blogs but we are now very close.

I am that girl with a glass of red wine that is untouched in business functions, interviewing everyone without them knowing it. Its a friend of mine who taught me about stock investing. He calls me for advise on that now.

Networking is never overrated."
NETWORKING FOR GROWTH Whilst networking is absolutely essential, remember that not everyone you meet can help move your personal finance agenda forward. You will have to identify people who are like minded and focused. Some people will be brilliant but not your preferred kind of associates. Some will think the same of you.

Treat your personal finance goals like a business. A business network is a "give and take". So many people want to take, take and take without giving anything. To get information, you will need to give same. Self centred people never grow far. The moment you give out what you have, you get a lot more from others. Be out there to help others with information and experience you gathered.

When you spot opportunities, do follow up to get more information. This needs not be a formal conversation. I find coffee dates amazing. I meet up with people to share what I know all the time.

A lot of people are introverts. We have to push ourselves to release our voices. Its always difficult but that is the case only at the beginning. Once a connection is made, it is made.

Some of the high quality connections you may make are in forums of like minded people. Blogs, online forums and social networking platforms are amazing to connect like minded people. You only benefit from these by giving your own input.Sharing is indeed loving.

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