Thanks for dropping by Safe Investing South Africa. I am on a journey to build wealth my way. For any questions or comments, feel free to contact me.

22 Aug 2011

Setting Real Estate Goals for Wealth

Welcome to my very first post here. Come set Real Estate Goals with me, will you?
I have been a real estate investor for more than 10 years now. Since I bought my very first apartment, I was sold into property investment. My husband, then friend helped me decide on that first apartment I ultimately called home.

A decade later, a lot has happened. Well I got married, moved apartments, then houses. Together with my partner a.k.a. hubby, we have gone at a slow pace to invest part time whilst keeping our jobs and making 2 babies in the process. See how busy we've been! We have flipped a house once, which really gave sweet returns. But the rest of our fixed property is rented out to tenants for passive income.

Two years ago I decided to leave my job to stay at home, errr make that work from home. A month before that happened, hubby was transferred to work in a foreign country and we all tagged along. That's how I eventually left the job I loved to work on my true passion, real estate investment. In the two years, I have renovated a few apartments and got tenants. I have also dished out quite a bit of advise to friends and family on how I managed to make passive income almost equivalent to my salary at my last formal employment.

I am not in the league of Donald Trump but I am in a position to live my life the way I want. And that is one of my intermediate real estate goals. Its not as easy as it looks on those fancy TV programs. You must be asking:
Am I happy: 100% YES
Is it wise to invest in real estate in the current economic climate?: Its definitely scary but investment is all about taking calculated risks. And currently, its difficult to do the sums but a bit of risk is clearly involved. We all need shelter, don't we?
What my job/ business entails: spreadsheets, lots of reading and contractor, tenant & broker emailing. A lot of dust and dirt too.

Thanks for stopping by. You may get great tips here, or not. Your thoughts would be so welcome. 


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